2024 U.S. Housing Market Outlook: 8 Predictions & Trends from Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae and Zillow

Sep 27, 2023


The U.S. housing market is constantly evolving and can be influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, government policies, and consumer demand. To help you navigate the 2024 housing market, we have gathered predictions and trends from industry experts including Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Zillow. Let's take a closer look at what they foresee for the upcoming year.

1. Steady Rise in Home Prices

According to Freddie Mac, home prices are expected to continue their upward trajectory in 2024. Limited housing inventory and high demand are driving this trend, making it a seller's market. As a result, buyers may face increased competition and potentially higher prices. Read more about this trend on National Mortgage Professional..

housing market

2. Increasing Mortgage Rates

Fannie Mae's prediction for 2024 suggests a gradual increase in mortgage rates. Although it's worth noting that rates are still relatively low compared to historical averages, this upward trajectory could have implications for potential homebuyers. As mortgage rates inch higher, some buyers may find it slightly more challenging to afford their dream homes.

To navigate this changing landscape effectively, it's crucial for prospective buyers to stay well-informed about interest rate fluctuations. This means keeping a close eye on market trends and staying connected with financial news sources. Additionally, working with a trusted lender is paramount during these times. A reputable lender can help you explore various mortgage options and secure the best possible terms tailored to your financial situation, ultimately ensuring that you make a well-informed and financially sound decision when purchasing a home

3. Continued Demand for Suburban Living

According to Zillow's data, the preference for suburban living is expected to remain strong in 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in accelerating this trend, as it has reshaped the way people work and prioritize their living arrangements. With remote work becoming more prevalent, and an increased desire for additional space, many homebuyers are increasingly drawn to suburban areas.

Suburban communities that strike a balance between affordability, access to essential amenities, and proximity to urban centers are likely to remain in high demand. These areas offer the allure of a quieter and more spacious living environment while still providing convenient access to the cultural and economic opportunities that cities offer. 

suburban living

4. Emphasis on Energy Efficiency

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae predict a growing emphasis on energy-efficient homes. Buyers are seeking properties with features such as solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and smart home technology. These features not only reduce environmental impact but also offer long-term cost savings for homeowners.

5. Millennial Homeownership Continues to Rise

Zillow's research indicates that millennial homeownership rates will continue to climb in 2024. As this generation reaches peak homebuying age, their presence in the market will shape trends and preferences. Millennials are often drawn to urban areas with strong job markets and amenities, driving demand in these locations. For more insights, you can check out Zillow's research here.

millennial homeownership

6. Increased Focus on Affordability

Affordability remains a significant concern for many Americans, and the experts agree. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae highlight the importance of addressing affordability challenges in the housing market. Policymakers, lenders, and developers are expected to explore innovative solutions such as affordable housing initiatives and alternative financing options. Learn more about their efforts here.

7. Technology's Influence on Homebuying

The real estate industry is continually evolving due to advancements in technology, and according to Zillow, 2024 is poised to witness significant progress in this regard. Virtual tours, online mortgage applications, and digital closings are expected to become even more prevalent in the coming year.

These tech-driven solutions offer numerous benefits to both buyers and sellers. Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore properties from the comfort of their homes, saving time and effort. Online mortgage applications simplify the financing process, making it more convenient and efficient. Digital closings reduce paperwork and streamline the final stages of a transaction, enhancing overall accessibility and convenience for all parties involved. Buyers and sellers who embrace these technological innovations can expect a smoother and more efficient real estate experience.


technology influence

8. Shift in Housing Preferences

All three sources concur on a noteworthy shift in housing preferences. In contrast to the previous emphasis on larger homes, there's a discernible uptick in interest for smaller, more affordable housing options. This shift is influenced by various factors, including the persistent escalation of home prices, evolving demographics, and a growing preference for low-maintenance living.

The sustained surge in home prices has made larger homes less accessible to many potential buyers, prompting them to explore more modest and cost-effective alternatives. Meanwhile, changing demographics, with an increase in single-person households and smaller family units, have created a demand for housing that better suits these evolving household sizes. Furthermore, the desire for a hassle-free, low-maintenance lifestyle has contributed to the preference for smaller, more manageable homes


housing preferences


The 2024 U.S. housing market is expected to continue its upward trajectory, with rising prices and mortgage rates. Suburban living, energy efficiency, and millennial homeownership will be key trends to watch. Affordability and technology will also play significant roles in shaping the market. As always, it's essential to stay informed and work with trusted professionals to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the housing market. Browse for properties in Florida at www.Giomar.AlignRightRiverview.com to stay ahead of the curve!